With the large number of questions we receive from potential customers looking for whole house transfer switches or transfer switches that can be used for well pumps, we decided to give you a few options. First, let’s give you a brief overview of well pumps and there requirements:
About Well Pumps and Their Requirements:
- 90% of wells are 240 volts, this is achieved using two circuits. The use of two breakers tied together with a common tripping bar, each leg measures is 120 volts to ground. There is also a continuous ground. No neutral is used in this application
- Well circuits are either 2 pole 15 or 2 pole 20 amp in most cases.
- Some wells are 120 volts but this is more the exception
- Your transfer switch must be rated for the amperage of the breaker associated with the well (15 or 20 amps)
- Your generator must be capable of producing 4800 watts for a 20 amp well line and 3600 watts for a 15 amp well line. Start up on some pumps could exceed these numbers
- Most generators do not have 20 amp or 15-amp 240-volt configurations. More common is a 30-amp 240-volt configuration.
- 30- amp configurations don’t deal with GFCI protection. There is also no need to worry about bonded or floating neutrals. There is in all instances the manufacturers recommendation/direction to ground the frame on your generator.
What Are My Options?
- Option “A”: 10 Circuit Transfer Switch – A 10 circuit transfer switch mounted next to your panel. Starting cost is approximately. $370.00. Should the cord supplied with the unit the not reach. You have two options, purchase a longer 30-amp cord (cost $40.00) or mount the exterior outlet and extend this feed to this transfer switch with 10/3 Romex. (not supplied) Your total cost could reach $425.00 without labor or approx. $900 with labor. This system is recommended to be installed by a licensed electrician. Manufacturers recommendation/direction to ground the frame of your generator applies. You will also need a larger generator due to demand on 10 circuits.
Here are multiple 10 circuit transfer switch options:
- 1.
Reliance Controls Corporation 31410CRK 30 Amp 10-Circuit Pro/Tran Transfer Switch Kit for Generators Up to 7,500 Running Watts2. Connecticut Electric EGS107501G2KIT EmerGen 10 CIRCUIT TRANSFER SWITCH KIT
5. 510C Pro/Tran2 50-Amp 10-Circuit 2 Manual Transfer Switch with Watt Meters
- Option “B”: 6 Circuit Transfer Switch – 6 circuit transfer exactly like the 10-circuit panel but a little less costly by than a 10 circuit switch. This system is recommended to be installed by a licensed electrician. Manufacturers recommendation/direction to ground the frame of your generator applies. You will also need a larger generator due to demand on 6 circuits.
Here are multiple 6 circuit transfer switch options:
- 1.
Reliance Controls Corporation 31406CRK 30 Amp 6-circuit Pro/Tran Transfer Switch Kit for Generators (7500 Watts)2. Reliance Controls 306CRK Pro/Tran-2 6 Circuit Transfer Switch Kit
- Option “C”: 2 Circuit Transfer Switch – 2 circuit transfer switch cost is around $150.00. There is no cord supplied. This can be mounted inside or outside. This can take of two individual circuits or one two pole circuit such as a well. Mounted outside this will require extending two circuits from your panel to this switch. Running electrical circuits should be done by a licensed electrician. There are voltage drops to consider, wire sizing and proper methods of installation.
Here is a 2 circuit transfer switch:
- 1.
Reliance Controls Corporation CSR202 Easy/Tran Transfer Switch for Generators Up to 5,000 Watts